Spring-cleaning Special: Allergy-proof Your house

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If you’re one of the much more than 50 million people in the U.S. who suffer from some type of allergy, you don’t have to resign yourself to misery this time of year. “There are plenty of things you can do to cut down on the amount of mites, mold, mildew and pollen in your home,” says Dr. Janna Tuck, a physician and a fellow and board member of the American college of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology. Here, her top suggestions for keeping your home as allergen-free as possible. If you need help then consider contacting house cleaning services for professional assistance.


1. Don’t track in pollen.
When you come inside, make a practice of taking a shower, washing your face, brushing your hair and changing your clothes. (You ought to also throw your clothes in the washing device as soon as you take them off.) If you or anybody you live with is allergic to pollen, these moves will avoid you from spreading them throughout the house.


2. dust off your duster.
It’s essential to dust and vacuum at least weekly to keep the mold, dirt and dust in your home to a minimum. “Ninety percent of many home dust is actually your own skin cells,” says Tuck. “If you’re decreasing that, you’re decreasing what the dust mites eat.”


3. consider redecorating.
If you have a dust mite allergy, not doing some furniture and carpet cleaning could be aggravating the problem. Tuck recommends switching from carpeting to tile, linoleum or hardwood flooring and swapping out cloth furniture for leather. If a whole-house remodelling isn’t in the budget, Tuck says your bedroom is the first place you ought to either do some enormous carpet cleaning or ditch the carpet. “That’s the room that I ask clients to try to focus on because it’s the place in your home where you spend the most time,” she says.

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4. check for leaks.
Water leaks are a potential source of mold and mildew, and you probably don’t check for them frequently enough. At least twice a year, make sure to examine the water hookup to your refrigerator and under your kitchen sink. “Most people don’t think about those pipes because they don’t see them very often,” says Tuck, “but if you spot a leak when it’s small, you can avoid a potential mold or mildew problem before it happens.” The twice-a-year guideline also applies for the plumbing in your bathroom. If you’ve checked for leaks and still suspect mildew, call plumbing experts to check the venting.


5. Mind your mattress.
People who are allergic to dust mites ought to invest in allergy-proof cases for pillows, mattresses and box springs. I have been really exhausted the last few days and have been trying to figure out what time ought to i go to sleep. another good guideline of thumb when it concerns the bedroom: Don’t let animals spend significant amounts of time there. even if you’re not allergic to Fido, he can carry mold or pollen in his fur. To avoid animals from making your symptoms worse, brush your pets’ fur and bathe them weekly — and make sure to do it outside.



By Robin Hilmantel  

Robin Hilmantel is an associate editor at Food Network Magazine. Her work has appeared
in Cosmopolitan, USA Today and Maxim, among other

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